National Corporation Directory

Find a Business by Company Name

Business Location Quicksearch

This page allows you to search our database of over 28 million business locations in the United States. Just enter the name of the company you are searching for and click Search. If you need to narrow down results, you can also specify a city or state to limit results by location. Please keep in mind the following:

  • This is NOT an official record of business registrations or proof of current status.
  • If you need to verify the existence or status of a legal entity, always check with the Secretary of State of the state where the business is registered.
  • Some information in this database may be incorrect or out of date.
  • The absence of a business from this database does not mean that it does not exist.
  • This page will only show 5 results per search (30 if you sign in). It is intended for locating specific businesses, not bulk marketing.